Orthotics and Myotherapy

Orthotics and remedial massage can be used for back pain treatment. They can help alleviate pressure points in the foot, and re-distribute weight across the foot’s surface. Moreover, the right fitting can improve the biomechanical function of the lower limbs and reduce pain. Poor foot balance can lead to abnormal alignment of the pelvis, spine, and neck. Additionally, poor alignment can cause headaches and migraines. Patients who are suffering from back pain should try orthoses to relieve the symptoms.


Custom orthotics are designed for a specific type of foot. They are molded to fit the specific footwear. These shoe inserts can be custom made to correct biomechanical problems and correct imbalances in the foot. Many patients find orthotics to be effective in treating a wide range of conditions. They can prevent and treat pain caused by heel spur syndrome, tendonitis, recurrent ankle sprains, and more. They may also be recommended for athletes and people who wear protective footwear.

A doctor can determine a patient’s foot function by analyzing their gait pattern. By analyzing the gait pattern, an orthotic can be tailored to correct a patient’s gait patterns and provide the most appropriate level of support and assistance. The N.A.P. Gait Classification (NAGP) is a physiotherapeutic treatment concept that describes four different types of gait. It is important to analyze a patient’s mid-stance and mid-swing phase to determine the correct level of support and adjustment for the foot.

Orthotics are often prescribed for patients who have suffered a stroke. These orthoses provide stability and security for a person with paralysis. With the help of the right orthosis, a person can return to normal life with less pain. If the foot is not moving normally, the treatment will not be effective. The best way to find the right orthotic is through the use of a specialist who will evaluate the patient’s condition.

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An asymmetrical gait can cause problems with leg alignment. A patient’s gait pattern is crucial in determining the right type of orthotic for their particular needs. A faulty gait pattern can cause problems with leg coordination and result in decreased mobility and increased stress on other joints. Using a specialized shoe with the appropriate arch supports will improve balance and mobility for patients. This method is highly recommended for patients with paralysis from a stroke.

An orthosis should be worn before a person can wear it. An orthosis can help relieve pain and increase stability in the foot. The best type of shoe is one that can accommodate the orthosis. The type of shoe that you wear will determine the effectiveness of your orthosis. If you wear a shoe with a low-cut design, it will not affect the results. A wide-brimmed shoe is a good choice for orthotic-treated patients.